Top 20 Marketing Mistakes You Are Making Today

by Lynn Taylor

  The key to marketing is differentiation. This list will give you the roadmap on how to be different in your business business without breaking the bank (or…changing your hairdo, getting lots of tattoos or strange piercings)   There are so many things you can do to differentiate yourself from your competition: some of them work, many of them don’t. Some of them cost lots of money, some of them don’t. In a strange twist, it’s usually the ones that don’t...

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This is Why There is No Such Thing as a Bad Lead

by Lynn Taylor

This is Why There is No Such Thing as a Bad Lead

    “These leads are junk!” You’ve either heard it or said it about one lead source or another in your real estate career. I’m here to tell you that there’s no such thing as a bad lead. Find out how to get a steady stream of solid listing leads in your market. Notice I didn’t say that every name that pops into your CRM is a good name, that every phone number you get is a good phone number and that every email address is the right address. We’ve...

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This is How To Structure A Successful Real Estate Team

by Lynn Taylor

This is How To Structure A Successful Real Estate Team

  Putting your team together the right way makes all the difference   You’re ready to grow your team, but you’re in a bit of a quandary.   Do you hire an administrative assistant next or do you hire an ISA?   Or, should you hire a couple of buyer agents and try to reap the financial rewards from the efforts of other people’s labor?   It’s a tough decision to make and one that could send your business into a financial tailspin if...

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The 5 C's of Cost Effective Lead Generation

by Lynn Taylor

The 5 C's of Cost Effective Lead Generation

  How to ensure your lead generation budget isn’t crippling your business This sound familiar? You saw a great lead generation strategy and after you watched the webinar, looked at the website and talked with the were in. It’s 90 days later and you’re not sure if it was worth the money. Unfortunately, you weren’t tracking the results you were getting and now, it’s not easy for you to make a definitive decision as to whether...

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The Best Ways to Stay in Front of Your Subscribers Part 1: Blogging

by Lynn Taylor

The Best Ways to Stay in Front of Your Subscribers Part 1: Blogging

      The best agents out there possess two elements of success that most other agents don’t : 1) incredible relationships with the consumers in their marketplace and 2) massive  authority as the expert in the real estate industry for their area. They didn’t acquire these two fundamental requirements for success by chance. They engineered them using proven strategies that put them in the position to influence people at the highest levels. More specifically,...

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The Best Ways to Stay in Front of Your Subscribers: Video

by Lynn Taylor

The Best Ways to Stay in Front of Your Subscribers: Video

    If you missed the first entry of this three-part series on the best ways to stay in front of your subscribers, you can check it out here.   In part two, we’re going to talk about the power of using video to build authority with your subscribers. As I’ve discussed previously: authority sells.   People listen to authority. People trust authority figures and believe them to be right. So right, in fact, that people are willing to listen to them,...

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The Best Ways to Stay in Front of Your Subscribers Part 3: Social Media

by Lynn Taylor

The Best Ways to Stay in Front of Your Subscribers Part 3: Social Media

    There’s no shortage of social media outlets available to business owners and consumers these days.   In fact, there are more than 60 of them where providers and consumers can connect with each other on a regular basis.   That said, there is a much smaller number of social networking sites where the majority of people spend most of their time.   Fifteen to be exact.     And it’s on these sites where you should invest your...

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The Real Estate Team Myth

by Lynn Taylor

The Real Estate Team Myth

Why your team will NEVER deliver the results that you expect Any of this sound familiar: You have done a great job selling real estate and you found if you want to do more without working 14 hour days, 7 days a need to start building a team.   You start building the team by hiring an assistant and a couple buyer's agents.   They aren't the best, but they are generate leads for them, but they don't call all of them.  One leaves, so you...

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The Truth About Discounting Your Commission

by Lynn Taylor

The Truth About Discounting Your Commission

    Buffett’s quote is particularly applicable in the case of real estate sales. Unfortunately, many home sellers don’t appreciate what this means until after they’ve sold their home with an agent who’s cut their commission. Despite the fact that even in a smoking hot market like 2017, only 33% of sellers were able to sell their home for full price (or net full price), sellers are still willing to work with agents who discount their commission. Even...

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How to Add 4 New Listings Every Month

by Lynn Taylor

A Step-by-Step Guide on how to fill your calendar every month with listing appointments   Half of the battle is over.  You've made a conscience decision that you are no longer going to focus on chasing buyers all over town to close more deals.  (If you need to be convinced why you should want to be paid $2500+ per hour vs. $238 per hour, READ THIS) Now, some of you are going to need a real action plan because if you just say "I'm never working with a buyer again,"...

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