Avoid these 5 Real Estate Listings Business Killers

by Lynn Taylor

Avoid these 5 Real Estate Listings Business Killers

  In today’s real estate market, getting listings is as competitive as it’s ever been.   The combination of a shortage of inventory and a flood of new agents hitting the real estate market can make it tough to get consistent listing business. With this as the current reality, no agent can afford to be their own worst enemy in generating and then converting listing opportunities. It can damage your listing business...potentially irreparably. Here are five...

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5 Reasons Why You Must Build a Pipeline of Listing Nurtures

by Lynn Taylor

5 Reasons Why You Must Build a Pipeline of Listing Nurtures

  One of the toughest things about growing a real estate business is the lack of consistency. There are months where you have multiple listing appointments and sales and then there are months where you couldn’t buy an appointment or a sale. It can be maddening. Sure, at the end of the year, things may come out alright, but who wants to live their life riding on the real estate roller coaster? Likely not you. Need more listings next year? Find out how to fill your...

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Why Old-School Marketing Strategies Cost You Money

by Lynn Taylor

Why Old-School Marketing Strategies Cost You Money

 Here’s a closer look at some old school marketing strategies and why they cost more money to generate business for you.   Eight-track tapes, rotary phones, video cassettes, cassette tapes, CD’s, phone booths, etc; they all played a significant part in our history as a maturing nation. But today, it’s almost impossible to find any of them anywhere other than a museum or a flea market. Why...because they’ve ‘old school” solutions that have...

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Why Agents WASTE 97% of their leads

by Lynn Taylor

  With budgets ranging from $100 to $60,000 per month, it is imperative that you understand exactly how to not waste a single lead you pay for!   The single biggest mistake made by agents who are trying to grow their business is focusing solely on lead generation.  You could have the lowest cost per lead and the most leads out of your entire market, but IF YOU CANNOT CLOSE THEM...IT MEANS NOTHING! Agents waste up to 97% of their leads due to lack of understanding how to maximize...

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What Never to do When Expanding Your Business or Growing a Real Estate Team

by Lynn Taylor

What Never to do When Expanding Your Business or Growing a Real Estate Team

    It’s exciting when the time comes to grow your business - either as a team or to expand to another location. What accompanies this excitement, however, are a number of decisions to be made and actions to be taken so that things turn out the best possible for you and everyone involved. And, while you can’t control everything that happens as you expand your enterprise, you can control what you decide to do and how you’re going to handle things. The most...

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What has to be sent before every listing appointment

by Lynn Taylor

What has to be sent before every listing appointment

    So you set yourself a listing appointment. Before you give yourself a richly-deserved pat on the back, you need to make sure you’re in position to win the listing long before you get there. Showing up “cold” without selling yourself a bit before the listing appointment can put you at a huge disadvantage when it comes time to getting the listing agreement signed. With a little pre-listing strategy and a small amount of effort, you can make the sale...

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What Content Do Your Subscribers Want to Get From You?

by Lynn Taylor

What Content Do Your Subscribers Want to Get From You?

  “It’s the best marketer, not the best real estate agent, that wins.”   My partner Michael Reese has been making the same statement about success in real estate for the last decade: “It’s the best marketer, not the best real estate agent, that wins.” He’s not speaking poorly of good real estate agents - or real estate agents at all - when he says this. Heck, he’s an agent himself and honestly, being a good agent is a minimum...

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How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Most Amount of Money

by Lynn Taylor

How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Most Amount of Money

  How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Most Amount of Money     The market has been moving at a pretty good clip over the last several years and it appears that things are going to stay that way for a while.   According to the Case Shiller Home Price Index across the United States have increased 33% over the last 5 years.   Despite all of the amazing things happening in virtually every market across the country, including ours, one thing still rings...

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To Stage or Not to Stage Your Home for Sale

by Lynn Taylor

To Stage or Not to Stage Your Home for Sale

        Up until the early 2000’s, most home buyers would have only experienced the eye-popping appeal of home staging if they went and visited a model home at a new construction site. Builders know that it’s much easier for people to make a home-buying decision when they see a home decorated beautifully and set up like someone lives there. These days, staging is highly recommended whether the home is brand new or currently occupied because it has...

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How to handle a multiple offer situation

by Lynn Taylor

How to handle a multiple offer situation

    Over the last five years, properly priced homes have been fetching multiple offers on a consistent basis.    It is, without a doubt, a seller’s market.   But as exciting as having a bidding war on your property is, it can also provide for some confusion and even anxiety in figuring out what to do with all those offers.   Your natural instinct might be to choose the one that lets walk away with the most amount of money, but there are many...

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