Case Study: Jason Williford and Tracy Cousineau

by Lynn Taylor

Case Study: Jason Williford and Tracy Cousineau

  A Powerful Story of Redemption and Success     Tracy Cousineau and Jason Williford are partners in one of Atlanta’s most successful real estate companies: Real Estate Expert Advisors. In 2017, their team sold over 550 homes for $136 million in volume and over $4.6 million in GCI.   This year, they are on pace to serve over 700 families, putting them in rarified air in the real estate community in Atlanta and beyond. As clients of ours for the past five...

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BREAKING: Expansion May Be the Best Way to Destroy Your Net Worth

by Lynn Taylor

BREAKING: Expansion May Be the Best Way to Destroy Your Net Worth

    To expand or not to expand, that is the question.   Many agents have dreams of building a big, powerful business that not only takes care of their employees and agents but also of themselves and their families.   In the last several years, some of the “big box” companies out there have been facilitating expansion strategies to help agents do just that. While expansion has helped some who’ve taken advantage of the strategy grow their influence...

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A Complete Strategy to Nail Your Listing Appointments - Part 1

by Lynn Taylor

A Complete Strategy to Nail Your Listing Appointments - Part 1

    Showing up unprepared at a listing appointment with nothing more than your laptop and a CMA is akin to showing up with the proverbial “knife at a gun fight”.   With the real estate market only producing 3.6% more homes sold in 2018 over 2017 and having the largest number of agents selling homes in 6 years, competition for listings is as fierce as it’s ever been.   CTA   As a result of this,...

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A Complete Strategy to Nail Your Listing Appointments - Part 2

by Lynn Taylor

A Complete Strategy to Nail Your Listing Appointments - Part 2

    In part 1 of this series, we talked about how to prepare yourself - and your sellers - for the time you’re going to spend at their home.   By the time you get to the front door of the seller’s home, they should be moderately familiar with who you are, what you do and how you’re going to be able to help them achieve their goals.   As well, you should be very familiar with the seller’s timing, motivation and the goals they’re looking...

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A Complete Strategy to Nail Your Listing Appointments - Part 3

by Lynn Taylor

A Complete Strategy to Nail Your Listing Appointments - Part 3

    Here in the final installment of this three-part blog series, we’re going to take you from the listing presentation into the home stretch to discuss pricing and then get your paperwork signed.   Once you’ve gotten into you listing presentation, you need to be looking for two specific things: 1) signs that your seller prospects are tracking with you and 2) buying signals letting you know it’s time to stop your listing presentation and move on to pricing...

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How to Maximize the Results You Get From Your Database

by Lynn Taylor

How to Maximize the Results You Get From Your Database

    Having a solid database full of prospects, past clients and members of your sphere is exciting as it represents a ton of great relationships and potential business. That said, not having a strategy in place to maximize the results you get from your database can render all of that opportunity virtually unattainable.When properly managed, your database can help you to effectively contact and nurture the folks you’ve chosen with whom to stay in touch with. Doing this will...

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5 Ways to Effectively Segment Your Customer Database

by Lynn Taylor

5 Ways to Effectively Segment Your Customer Database

As a small business owner, it’s crucial that you use a database to keep track of information about your customers. The information you store in your database can help you make marketing decisions and strategically target customers based on demographic, geographic, and psychographic data.You can use the information you gather to plan email marketing campaigns, make new offers, improve lead conversion and even determine where you should focus most of your sales efforts. Your database is...

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5 Ways to Build Authority With Your Database

by Lynn Taylor

5 Ways to Build Authority With Your Database

  Trust, as you know, is a core ingredient to building a strong working relationship. However, if you want to earn someone’s business and keep it, you must establish authority as well. The first time you call a prospect for the first time, you likely haven’t given them a good reason to care about you and what you’re saying. They’re likely asking themselves: “Who is this person?” “Why should I believe anything they say?” Do they...

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5 Statistics You Need to Know About Nurtured Leads

by Lynn Taylor

5 Statistics You Need to Know About Nurtured Leads

    You want more listing sales, but seller opportunities are getting snapped up faster than shrimp cocktail at a Christmas party.   And if I’m right, for you It’s not a matter of being able to convert sellers at the kitchen table, it’s a matter of being able to get in front of enough of them to build your listing inventory and control your business in this decidedly seller’s market.   CTA   Conventional...

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3 Things to Never Do When Face to Face with Sellers...Even if They Beg You

by Lynn Taylor

3 Things to Never Do When Face to Face with Sellers...Even if They Beg You

    The sellers are sitting across the table from you and you’ve got a legit shot of securing their listing.   You’re thinking to yourself: “I’ll do anything - legally, ethically and morally - to get this listing tonight.   That’s a great attitude to have, but there are some things you should never do when sitting face to face with sellers, even if they beg you to do it.   In fact, there are five of them to be exact and doing...

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